About us

Who we are

We are a team of change-makers who believe that every helping hand can help ease the troubles of women in our community.

We had several women in our neighbourhood who were facing hardships not only financially, but also emotionally and mentally, which prompted the development of ZOLA. We decided that we Sudanese women needed to come together to support all the women around us, regardless of ethnic or cultural background. We realised that by banding together as a community to support one another, we were stronger as a whole,  and those women suffering in silence would always have a helping hand to reach out to.

Our approach

Our Mission
Our mission is to make sure all women get all the support they need, when they need it, no matter what it is.
Whether it is a reassuring conversation, financial help, education, professional training, or simply the assurance that they are not alone, we will make sure that everyone gets support that meets them where they’re at as quickly as possible.
Our Vision
We want to build a world where no woman feels alone and gets every possible help they need as soon as possible.

Our entire team wants to see a world where every woman struggling in any way feels able to reach out and has people who’ll help them with education, jobs, and more. 

What we do

ZOLA helps with financial and emotional issues. Some ways we provide help is paying for rent or any bills for those in need, money for food, payment for any classes needed to progress in their lives such as driving lessons, helping find jobs and other resources. If someone is sick or has a close relative pass away, we provide them with some money to help them during these times. 

We also help women going through divorces, any illness, issues with children, domestic violence, or death within their family by providing them with emotional support.